Japanese New Year Haiku

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The Japanese have a tradition of sending New Year postcards which may include a haiku verse.  (See, for example, wikipedia for more information).  My friend, Chandra Bales, belongs to a haiku group that exchanges New Year postcards.  Since 2009, I have illustrated the verse for her.

The New Year postcards themselves make a nice change from Christmas cards for two reasons.  The first reason is that by January 1st all the excitement of the holidays is winding down and even though some people enjoy winter sports, in general things are just a bit duller.  A New Year card seems to extend the holiday spirit just a bit further.

The second reason is that some of us (that would be me) just can’t quite cope with everything at Christmas and while it is a good thing to sit and write Christmas cards (or simply holiday cards for those who don’t celebrate Christmas), it is not always possible.  Sending a New Year card instead can change the pressure into an enjoyable undertaking.

Shown here are some of our collaborations in the past.  We sell the cards as New Year postcards and also simply as greeting cards at local events like the Page One local authors event on the first Saturday of every month.

snake_2013 rabbit_2011dragon_2012